Who says spring cleaning needs to take all week? You can make quite the impact in just a couple of days with our quick tips.
Address your wardrobe
Sorting through old clothes and accessories is a job we talk about year-round, but spring is the perfect excuse to do just that. Spend a couple of hours sifting through old clothes and donate anything that you don’t regularly wear or haven’t worn in the last year.
Clean your windows inside and out
The sun shining through your windows shows the grime and build-up from months of harsh weather – spend an afternoon cleaning your windows inside and out to improve your view. That’s all there is to it! A couple of days of cleaning and you’re ready for summer.
Refresh your walls
You don’t need to re-paint your walls. Providing you still have the paint you used originally, you can spend a few hours going around your home touching up areas that are now looking worse for wear. You may want to fill holes from picture frames, for instance, at the same time.

Deep clean your carpets
You might spot clean your carpet every now and then if there’s a spill, but there’s nothing quite like getting the professionals in. You can hire a professional carpet cleaner or rent a machine to do it yourself. This will rid your home of allergens and get the colour of your carpets back to best.
Clear the gutters
During the autumn and winter months leaves, twigs and debris find their way into your property’s gutters. Now the warmer weather is here, you should clear your gutters of debris to prevent build-up and possible leaks and the damage that will follow.
Prune and prep your garden
Even if you’re not green fingered, you should mow your lawn, prune overgrown hedges and pressure wash garden furniture in preparation for summer entertaining. Then, all you need to do is keep on top your lawn every couple of weeks from now until autumn.